Indian Support Worker Brisbane
Live Life Services is a group of well-trained professionals who are highly skilled in providing a clientele-focused solution.
Indian Support Worker Brisbane
Culture plays a big part in who we are. As we grow older and become more set in our ways, it’s important to keep that heritage alive. Also, as we get older, we start to need some help around the home. As it becomes harder to do our daily tasks, help often needs to be brought in. If the home care worker can follow your heritage, it can put your loved one, and you, at ease. This cultural connection can be especially important for first-generation Indian-Australians who miss the traditions of their parents and dementia patients whose routines work best with strict continuity.
Live Life Services understands that your home care worker will become a fixture in your family and is dedicated to providing the support you need. We employ only the most qualified Indian support workers in Brisbane, trained to help your family member handle all their daily living tasks. Your family may function more smoothly with a support worker who speaks your language and instinctively understands heritage, and we are happy to provide.Heritage and culture matter
When hiring support staff for a disability, clear and open lines of communication are crucial. You must feel certain that you can set out instructions and be sure they are understood. Our Hindi-speaking support workers in the Brisbane area understand your language and culture, so you don’t need to worry about vital information being lost in translation. As your worker helps your disabled family member navigate their world, you will be that much more confident that there will be no misinterpretations.
Every culture has its customs and nuances that outsiders will never understand. You can form that immediate bond with an Indian support worker right here in Brisbane — someone whose family grew up with the same foods and humour, sensitivities and perspectives. Common cultural touchstones make the transition into your lives effortless.
Support and services for your family
A disability can put your loved one at risk for depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns as they reckon with the new or different reality. Often overlooked, however, is the stress on other family members trying to cope with the situation. Our workers are trained to identify alarming trends, and an Indian support worker is less likely to miss critical cultural cues pointing to warning signs.
But at Live Life Services, we’re more than just an in-home support team. Our support workers are well equipped to help with:- Daily Living Skills
- Household Chores
- Cooking & Cleaning
- Personal Care
- Health & Fitness
- Outdoor Activities
- Grocery Shopping
- Community Participation
- Social Events
- Entertainment Activities
- Travel & Transport
We believe your loved ones should “live life” and we can get them out in the community, meeting new people and trying new things. We can help them find a club to join or participate in an art class, or we can get them to the gym for some exercise.
At Live Life Services, our support workers meet your loved ones where they are and help them integrate into society. Home care is a team effort where your support staff, client, and family work in tandem to tailor solutions for your unique circumstances.
An experience like no other
Live Life Services is known for providing quality care in transitioning people with disabilities to a healthy, productive lifestyle. Whether you need assistance a few hours a week or 24/7 care, our team of Indian disability support workers here in Brisbane are happy to help and speak fluent Hindi and Punjabi.
Contact Live Life Services today for more information on how we can help your loved one bridge the cultural gap and work with their disability.